Date: 10-16/03/2014 (Monday to Sunday)
Title: Research and findings
This week, the research continues on focusing about the Laser pointer. The research focusing on what type color of laser pointer red and how it works.
Summarize of my research :
A laser pointer or laser pen is a
small handheld device with a power source (usually a battery) and a laser
diode emitting a very narrow coherent low-powered laser beam
of visible light, intended to be used to highlight something of interest by
illuminating it with a small bright spot of colored light. Power is restricted
in most jurisdictions not to exceed 5 mW.
Figure : Laser Pointer Red
and Length
Red laser are the simplest pointers, as laser diodes are available in these
wavelengths. The pointer is nothing more than a battery-powered laser
diode. Standard wavelength red laser is 635nm.
: Inside Red laser
- There are many
of laser pointers but focus in red laser. The ruby or red laser projects a
red beam of light, resulting in a red dot. Inside the laser pointer is a
ruby rod. On one end is a mirror and the other is a partially see-through
mirror. A flash tube acts as a light source and is at one end of the rod.
When a user presses a button on the side of the ruby laser pointer, the
flash tube agitates atoms inside the rod. The atoms bounce off of the
solid mirror and exit the laser pointer through the see-through one. This
is what projects the beam of light onto a surface of the user's choosing.